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Drunken Tyromancy - a psychic martial art:

The name Drunken Tyromancy was inspired by the fact someone had at some point gotten so drunk they actually invented a word for the divination of the future by way of cheese, and I simply combined this with a Kung Fu style (“drunken boxing” - a la Jackie Chan’s early movies by that title), to turn this into a psychic martial art, whereby one takes the piss out of the cheesy insanity of the world, with a cheesy sense of humour, possibly while drinking and eating cheese …

What is it all about:

The subtitle you see on the logo “Predicting the Future with ch-ease”, was my way of suggesting that if we simply look to the insanity of the present, we can EASILY predict the future, by simply imagining ourselves as ideologically insane imbeciles and asking “what would I do if I were a moronic megalomanic billionaire sociopath?” - and if past behaviour is anything to go by, we can look at their actions and divine the future in this way … it’s cheasy-peasy piece of cheese pie, and anyone can do it if you’re simply drunk enough to imagine the absurd.

Why I am doing this:

Like a lot of other people, I look on in disbelief at the insanity of the world and its bizarre bunch of deluded in-bred megalomaniacal psychopathic “leaders” who think they’re “exceptional”, as if somehow being a douche-bag was an achievement … so, this community is a place for us to get some catharsis by taking the piss, but I also hope to cover interesting topics with that sense of humour, and perhaps even do some interviews.

Who is DrunkTyro:

I am someone with a long standing obsession with problem solving, and in particular, at an early age, I began asking myself why the world was the way it was, because even from that young age, everything seemed wrong to me, even as early as about 5-7 years old, I remember seeing things that just seemed entirely wrong about society.

Many years ago, back in my teens in the 1980s, I hit upon a very deep question:

“What would it take to create a completely ecologically and socially friendly and sustainable society, which at no scale and under no conditions would ever break, from the individual, through families and other groups, up to nation states, and even an interplanetary civilisation?”

… and I have to admit, I had no idea how badly I had bitten off more than I could chew, but I am a stubborn bastard if nothing else, so the question became an obsession, and within a couple of decades (with the help of a friend), I actually figured out the answer … since which time, I have also figured out the systems to implement it, and the strategies to implement those systems (if only I had the resources).


This aforementioned friend asked me the single most fascinating question I have ever been asked in my life - following months of discussion about such things as ecological systems modelling - when we were sitting at a cafe in Melbourne’s inner north suburb Carlton:

“Trevor, can we quantify justice?”

… and this was the question which more than anything else, helped me solve all the other problems I had been stuck on for up to a decade in some cases, as I instantly knew the answer was yes, but it took me 2 weeks to come back to him with a rudimentary proof of it.

Now, when one comes across such revelations, it tends to open ones eyes to a great deal more than you originally expected, and suddenly I was seeing everything in the world in a brand new light … the problem with which, was that life also became increasingly frustrating, because the more you are aware of how good things could be, and what an absolute cluster f*** our illustrious overlords are making of everything, the more it hurts to watch the insanity … and so I began writing a series of books about my academic obsession, but without funding to focus on writing what would have amounted to 4 enormous books in a series, each requiring endless research, and all to reach a limited academic audience who might actually read such a thing, so I decided instead to turn the whole thing into a science fiction screenplay … but I ran across the same problem again, being that “how does one support oneself while trying to do this?”, compounded by the fact I have some pretty bad spinal damage and other injuries which have seriously hindered by work prospects, and I do not have enough money to fix my situation, nor any income of any kind (not even government support of a disability pension, despite x-rays proving my case) …

So … I decided now to do the easiest thing, or at least I hope it is the easiest thing, in the sense that this endeavour should be able to raise an income without needing to complete such an enormous amount of work, and hopefully free me up to pursue other long term goals of that vision for the future … and along the way, if I can make some people laugh, get people to think, and build an audience, then perhaps I can also eventually get that science fiction screenplay done, and move on to actually implementing the ideas from the vision which are depicted in that sci-fi story.

Community Guidelines

Behaviour & Language:

  • IF someone actually says something so mind bogglingly stupid, that it beggars belief a grown adult couldn’t see what was wrong with the statement before opening their mouths
  • THEN I do not expect you to be so angelic and self-restrained that you do not call them an idiot after they demonstrated that’s exactly what they are …
  • HOWEVER this doesn’t mean YOUR OPINION of what they say is evidence that what they said was indeed stupid, YOU NEED AN ARGUMENT (logic, evidence, and reasoning) to back up the conclusion that the person is an idiot …
  • AND just because someone might indeed be an idiot, doesn’t mean you have to call them one … it is also ok to be nice to idiots
  • SO I am just saying that from time to time, I totally get it, when someone is a moron, you may just have to say it to their face …
  • AND while I get it that the modern thing is to have a “safe space”, I am a GenXer, and this is not always going to be a safe space … political correctness is the province of the weak minded and the disingenuous, so take that shyte and shove it where the sun don’t shine … I want no part of it
  • IN OTHER WORDS behave like an adult:
  • don’t complain to me (about anything, ever)
  • don’t cry if someone doesn’t like you or criticises you
  • don’t assume criticism is hate (these are not synonyms, and correlation is not causation)
  • if someone proves you’re wrong or an idiot THANK THEM, and then use the lesson learn how to stop being one instead of whining about it, because why would you want to believe a single falsehood, one moment longer than you have to ..?
  • don’t be an abusive sadist, if you enjoy causing pain to others, you’re sick, not superior, and being a douche-bag isn’t an achievement
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy


  • No pornography
  • No spam
  • Assume web-links are all dodgy unless you know how to check (I don’t know what moderation tools or software Locals might use to prevent people putting malicious links into conversations, but until I know better, assume anything that looks dodgy is dodgy)

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